D’s Story

From aged 20, my GP has called me a hypochondriac, it’s in my notes still to this day that I’m listed as a hypochondriac!

Aged 20… (2 kids by this point) I was in agony every day,  and I was back and forward to the GP stating there was a problem. I was on many pain killers etc, and refused a smear as you have to be 25.

So 5 years I spent in agony. I booked a smear for my 25th birthday and I had cervical cancer.

I was correct all that time – something was wrong. So, I had surgery and recovered.

Then… I had more pains.. back to GP, to again be called a hypochondriac. The cancer was now in my colon. Again, proven that there was an issue and I wasn’t imagining it.

2013… I again didn’t feel right. I was pregnant, but they refused me early scans, again calling me a hypochondriac. I went for routine scan at 12 weeks, as you do, and no baby.

At week 14, I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. I had surgery again, removing my left fallopian tube. Yet again Iproved I’m not a hypochondriac!

When I fell pregnant again, immediately I knew there were issues. I had a haemotoma. It was an awful pregnancy; for the whole duration I was ill. The baby came at 24 weeks – my waters broke at week 22, but they argued I was wrong and again a hypochondriac, and told me all was OK.

So in 2014, I had 1 essure fitted [the use of Essure in patients with ahistory of ectopic pregnancy is contraindicated – admin]. I had so much bleeding that they gave me the ablation [also contraindicated!].

After such a palaver calling my GP, hospitals, 111 etc, I’m in agony every day, pains in my head but not a headache, plus all the usual Essure issues. 2 weeks ago I asked to see the new male GP in the hope of getting re-referred to gynae, well… he went into my file as they do and again fobbed me off with the same tale – I’m listed as a hypochondriac, if I’m still poorly in 4 weeks time go back.

Although they say “she’s just a hypochondriac”, every time I’ve said something’s been wrong, it has been. What can I do?