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An update, news, and a plea!

Hello there 🙂

I’ve been trying to get this site up and running for a while but in amongst losing a job, training for a new one, and my WordPress course being cancelled and having to basically wing it, well – it’s taken far too long. So my apologies to those ladies who have submitted their stories and then wondered where they disappeared off to!

Anyway, we’re here now.

The problems that we’ve all suffered with Essure are, I believe, about to become big news. Basically along with the vaginal mesh scandal, and the #metoo movement, I think we’re going through something of a milieu of change for women, and we’re being heard a lot more.

Some of the ladies on the Essure Facebook support group have been wildly busy, collating data, spamming the living daylights out of the media and the press, talking to solicitors, liaising with groups in other countries and generally working their socks off to get us heard. Hats off to you, girls, you’re all superstars and you know who you are.

If you haven’t checked out the support group, go and do so – the link’s at the top of the page. We’re all friendly and welcoming, and we’ll do out utmost to help you if you need us.

So, if you have had Essure implanted and want to know more, or you’ve had side effects and never really related it to Essure, or you have questions, please do drop us a line.

WE WANT YOUR STORIES! The more of us that speak out and tell the world, the medical profession, and the manufacturers of Essure that we’ve suffered, the more chance there is of this not happening to anyone else.

As of now (March 2018) Essure is still being fitted in the USA. It’s been taken off the market in Europe – not that this has stopped some hospitals fitting leftover stock.